Top 5 Foods That Will Help You Concentrate : How many times have you had to work or study even if you are extremely exhausted? This could be tricky especially when your brain uses about 20 percent of your energy. It indeed is a huge energy budget, but your goal is to find a way to boost your energy levels and increase productivity right away.
How Does Your Brain Use Energy?
As with any other organ in your body, the brain requires additional energy for its functioning. Brain cells (neurons) work on the principle of using glucose for fueling cellular activities. The type of sugar they are using comes from the food we consume on a daily basis. Through the blood, it transfers to neurons and converts into a certain amount of energy.
Here is the list of top five foods that will help you concentrate:
Putting fish on the top of our list is entirely reasonable. It contains omega-3 fatty acids that are also known as “brain food.” Also, it’s an excellent source of protein, and some people say that eating two servings per week may be linked to better memory performance. Lowering risks of dementia and stroke is one of the health benefits of diets high in omega-3 fatty acids. Plus, it’s proven that people who consume fish regularly tend to have more grey matter that contains nerve cells responsible for decision making, emotions, and memory.
Any type of colored berries, especially blueberries, have a high level of flavonoid compounds called anthocyanins that not only support memory and learning but increase blood flow. They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which enable them to act against age-related conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Consuming them for breakfast or as a snack might improve your memory and cognitive processes.
Eating nuts is one of the best things you can do for your health. They are linked to heart wellness, and you know that having a healthy heart means having a healthy brain too. They consist of antioxidants, many healthy fats, and vitamin E. Walnuts are those with the highest zinc levels. It will provide protection from free-radical damage. Nuts are highly beneficial when combining walnuts and pecans unless you’re allergic.
Crucial vitamin for our body is vitamin C. It boosts immunity and makes excellent protection from viruses. Every citrus contains a high level of flavonoids that protect brain cells from injury. You can get almost all the vitamin C you need daily from just one small orange. Fresh lemonade or orange juice represents a direct source of glucose, which is fuel for your organs, including the brain. It increases cognitive functions, blood flow, and concentration.
Dark chocolate is famous for its antioxidant vitamin E that is directly linked to less cognitive decline as you age. It has natural stimulants, such as caffeine, so it will surely increase your concentration. Flavonoids found in cocoa powder protect the brain and raise your memory. After all, isn’t chocolate called a mood booster? Scientists proved that only taste makes people feel happier.
How to Stay Focused?
Coffee sounds great sometimes, but it’s not the healthiest solution. Replacing it with green tea can help you in the weight loss journey, say people from A Better Weigh. The main part is sleeping. Having at least eight hours of sleep will be beneficial for you to concentrate. Making breaks and meditation will improve attention span. Don’t forget to stay hydrated all the time.
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Top 5 Foods That Will Help You Concentrate
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