5 Great Hobbies And Pastimes That Will Get You To Spend More Time Outdoors


Getting outside and spending time in nature has wide-ranging benefits for both physical and mental health. However, in our modern digital world, it can be difficult to peel ourselves away from our screens to actually step outdoors. Having a hobby is a great motivator for heading outside regularly to enjoy fresh air and vitamin D. Here are five fantastic outdoor hobbies and pastimes – ranging from solo activities to sports and social events – that will have you loving the great outdoors.

1. Golf: A Classic Sport Made Your Way

Golf has long been popular across ages and genders for the challenge it presents, along with the excuse to be outside walking an attractive course. Golf carts make the sport accessible despite potential mobility limitations. And today’s golf outfits and equipment allow you to customize it to your personal preferences so you can play in optimal comfort. High-tech club fittings, along with performance apparel and gear, let you upgrade your golf game. Apps offer tips from pros to improve your swing. Mix and match pieces as you desire to create your ideal golfing ensemble. For many, time spent playing golf doubles as much-needed stress relief and social time.

2. Gardening: Grow Beauty And Food

Caring for a garden has benefits beyond enjoying colorful flowers and homegrown vegetables and herbs. The physical activity of digging, planting, weeding, and hauling soil and compost pays dividends for your health. Getting some dirt under your nails exposes you to microbes that enhance immune function. And spending time nurturing your plants can lower stress and lift your mood. Gardens also help the planet by supporting pollinators and biodiversity. Whether you have a small patio container garden or sprawling backyard beds, make this year the one where you plant and tend new life.

3. Fishing: Find Peace At The Water’s Edge

Few hobbies and pastimes spell relaxation like fishing – think bobbers drifting across a still lake at sunrise. Research reveals that spending time fishing boosts wellbeing by reducing stress and improving sleep. Catching your dinner or that trophy bass offers excitement and a sense of reward. Joining a local fishing club connects you with kindred spirits who share prime angling spots and tips. And eating self-caught fish provides healthy omega-3s. Gear up with your rod and tackle box and unwind streamside or on a boat.

4. Stargazing

Gazing at the cosmos opens your eyes to immense beauty and possibility right overhead each night. Drive or hike to a location free from light pollution and look skyward with binoculars or telescopes to spot planets, shooting stars, and even galaxies. Learning about astronomy gives context and meaning to the pinpricks of light. And being outdoors surrounded by the hushed grandeur of space lets everyday earthly cares fall away. Simple to start but captivating as skills advance, stargazing becomes a treasured ritual for insight above and within.

5. Photography

Trekking while peering through a camera lens sharpens your observation skills and creativity. Composing striking images that capture nature’s splendor, patterns, and creatures requires slowing down to let enchanting details and moments emerge. Outdoor photography develops technical mastery over aperture, shutter speed, lighting, and perspective. And being out in all weather and seasons yields fresh inspiration. Join a photo walk to boost skills. Displaying your works connects you back to special times spent immersed in nature’s beauty.

Make this the year you step away from digital diversions to enjoy hobby and pastimes that nourish your body and soul. The five pastimes above motivate you to spend valuable time outdoors while engaging passions and forging community.

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