How to Use Cherimoya


Wondering about cherimoya, how to eat it, as well as cherimoya benefits? Learn more about how to include cherimoya fruit in your diet in this expert blog today.

Called “the most delicious fruit known to man” by Mark Twain, the cherimoya may be delicious, but it is certainly one of the more unusual looking options in the fruit aisle (if you’re lucky enough to spy it)! What does cherimoya look like? Cherimoya is a heart-shaped fruit, which has a green, scaly outer skin, with an inside that is pale and white with large black seeds.

What is Cherimoya?

Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) fruit (also spelled chirimoya and called chirimuya by the Incans) is derived from a Quechuan word meaning “cold seeds,” relating to the climates in which it can be grown. Cherimoya grows on trees, which are said to have originated in the Andes and still prefer high altitudes and cold weather for growing, needing periods of cold temperatures to keep the tree from going dormant. However, cherimoya (which is related to soursop and sweetsop fruits) is sensitive to cold, so the areas in which it can be grown are limited.

Eating cherimoya by the spoonful.

How does Cherimoya Grow?

Cherimoya trees can be found in Ecuador, Peru, and Chile, along with many other South and Central American countries. It has also been brought to Europe, Africa, East Asia, and even Australia! And it can even be grown in my home state of California, as I can find it in farmers markets. I plan on planting a tree in my orchard very soon! In California, they ripen from November to June.

One interesting fact about cherimoya trees is that the method of pollination is currently unknown, though it is suspected to be carried out by a beetle as honeybees are too large to fit into the flower! When growing in non-native areas, the tree is often pollinated by hand.

What Does the Cherimoya Taste Like?

Ripe cherimoyas are yellow-green on the outside and have a soft flesh. It’s also known as a “custard apple” due to the fruit’s inner texture, which is creamy. The flavor can vary depending on the variety of cherimoya, ranging from sweet to tangy, and contains hints of pineapple, banana, papaya, strawberry, peach or apple flavors. Most commonly, it is described as being a blend of pineapple, banana, and peach. Cherimoya must be stored at around 50 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent excessive softening and browning.

Cherimoya Benefits

Cherimoya fruits are a good source of water, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C, and dietary fiber. In a 100-gram serving of cherimoya you’ll find only 75 calories, making it a tasty and healthy option for a snack.

Top 5 Ways to Use Cherimoya

There are many ways to enjoy cherimoya, including eating it raw! Check out my Top 5 Ways to Use Cherimoya and give it a try!

1. Go Raw!

The best way to enjoy cherimoya is with a spoon! Just cut open a soft, ripe cherimoya, and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. It’s like eating ice cream!

Blend it in your next smoothie or smoothie bowl.

2. Whiz Together a Smoothie

Toss sliced ripe cherimoya flesh into your next smoothie, but go gentle on the other ingredients (such as bitter greens) to allow the flavors of the cherimoya to shine through.

3. Freeze up Sorbet

Blend cherimoya, pour into a container and freeze into a simple sorbet. Scoop cherimoya sorbet into serving dishes before it gets icy.

Slice cherimoya over cereal, such as granola.

4. Slice over Cereals

Slice cherimoya before it gets too soft over your next bowl of hot or cold cereal for a tropical sweet taste to start off your day.

Slice cherimoya into fruit salads, such as this Ambrosia recipe from my book California Vegan.

5. Toss into Salads

Try slicing cherimoya into your next fruit salad, or even a green or grain salad for a fun, flavorful twist!

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